User Activity Monitoring Software, WorkExaminer, Is Altering the Future of Work!

Work from home has changed the entire perception of work and with digital transformation, innovation and technology coming in, many corporates are now seriously thinking of shifting to a permanent remote work alternative.  Previously, the employees could be monitored on the floor and employers could keep a track on their activities and performance. However, with remote work, the entire concept has undergone a drastic change.

Corporates are not seeking to rely on employee monitoring software and time tracking tools, workspace communication resources and so on. The source needs to be tapped.

Remote working is going to be the new normal of working for any business.  Many big corporates are aware that health safety is of essence and have extended the work from home. Many remote work policies have come into effect even in some companies.   The right user activity monitoring software is going to simplify the process of remote working. Read more here

When we speak of the role and benefits of UAM or user activity monitoring soft wares, this tool aids in keeping a track and also monitoring the employees through desktop monitoring, keystroke logging, URL tracking and of course video monitoring.  It simply means that the employer can capture any illegal insider activities, violations and activities entered into by the employees.

The benefits range from reducing track work from home employeestime theft, mitigating the risks associated with insider threats, protecting confidential data, tracking the number of man hours put in by the employees, preventing unauthorized login threats, streamlining the workflow, data security and improving the employee productivity.

The remote desk software basically is designed and developed so as to make smart decisions with regards to real time data source. This software definitely reduces the employers burden who are having to manage in a work from home set up.  Hence, this advanced tracking tool aids in monitoring the user behaviour analytics and monitors the employee working.

The Managers can now keep a track of the workers remotely just by using this time tracking application which is a non-intrusive user interface.  The entire process is seamless yet very secure.  It aids in tracking billable hours and also helps record the productive hours of the remote workforce. The managers can now have a clear idea of the idle man hours and the productive hours.  The URL tracking ability aids in tracking time spent on websites that have been restricted by the company.  It keeps a track on the websites frequently visited by the employee like shopping sites, social media platforms, OTT platforms, entertainment sites and so on.
More info you can find here